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Beat the DS rush

Let’s face it: we’re all busy. Countless research studies have shown that today’s students are more involved than ever. While the amount of classes and extracurricular activities have increased, the number of hours in a day has not. Although our days may seem longer, in fact it’s just the amount of things that we try and fit into them that has changed. If you’re like me, you get up early and have an action-packed filled day of classes, work, and activities plus group projects and meetings scattered sporadically throughout the day.

While my days are pretty long, typically things wind down later in the afternoon once class and choir rehearsal wrap up. Time after 7:00pm is typically reserved for group projects, homework, and possibly even a social life (whatever that is).

With how hectic things can get, nothing is more frustrating than having to wait in long lines at dinner at DS. Several choirs, the Band and the Orchestra all get out around 6:00 and between that time and about 6:20 approximately 450 students make the march from the music building to Anderson Commons. That doesn’t even include all of those involved in spring sports, whose long practices get done right around that same time as well.

As to be expected, things can get quite busy with so many people coming in right around the same time. Usually after the battle to find a place to sit gets accomplished, it’s downhill from there. However, I recently noticed a new trend: people who aren’t involved in an ensemble or athletic team going to Anderson around 6:15 and then getting frustrated and openly complaining about how busy it is.

As I’ve already stated, I understand your frustration. I hate wasting time and believe you me, standing in a mile-long line for what’s left of the main dinner entrees is not acceptable. But, there’s more to be done than just complaining. I’ve come to realize that in the evening, it’s probably unrealistic to expect to be able to get a popular meal item in a timely fashion, if at all. Bearing that in mind I usually get creative and mix things together. After all, we’ve got things pretty good, being able to know when our next meal is coming. Long DS lines are the perfect example of a “First World Problem.”

But at the same time, if you don’t have anywhere to be before 6, I recommend that you go to DS before the mad rush of hungry and exhausted musicians and athletes. As my friend Megan from “Bridesmaids” would say, “you can’t blame the world for your problems.” Get out there and make the best of the situation. Or look at it from another vantage point: As Captain Spock said in “Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan,” the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few or the one.

Is the solution to a crazy busy DS this simple? Or is it unavoidable? Should there be another dining service option available on campus like there used to be at the Grant Center? I welcome your feedback! Send me your thoughts – or, even better, send them to the Concordian and get your voice published!

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