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Cobbers react to SOPA

“SOPA…the Spanish word for soup” read sophomore Paula Haeder’s Facebook status Jan. 18. Before this date, this is all the word “SOPA” meant to most…

National New Year’s resolution

After a hectic semester, winter break was truly glorious. It was nice to catch up with family and friends from back home and, most importantly,…

A Cobber sunrise

Yes. I have talked about working my desk, and I always refer to it as “my” desk. Know why? I am the 3:00 a.m. –…

Colleges and gun violence

The weekend before finals, a murder/suicide occurred on the campus of Virginia Tech that left a campus police officer dead. Campus officials hunted for the…

Melting pot or not?

People often say the United States is a melting pot, a place where immigrants arrive and accept a new, “exceptional” identity, that of an American. …

DS contracts Sysco

When students bite into the Maize French fries or line up for Thanksgiving dinner, they’re probably not thinking of the quality, the sustainability or about…

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