Look around you, I bet you could spot at least five people chewing gum.
The Concordian
This far into 2011, nothing dominates the headlines quite like the happenings in the Middle East.
The aftermath of the earthquake in Japan March 27 has hit closer to home as the Concordia Band has canceled their international trip this May.…
“I like pink. I like boys. I get excited over lipstick names - but I’m still a feminist”, says Laura Wadsworth
Recently, my attention was drawn to the Concordian because of an article regarding Faith for Life, a quarterly publication put out by Fargo Baptist Church.
Last week I wrote about how Concordia would be giving an iPad to every Concordia student next fall.
“Why do some people say that there is just one way?”
Going through the exit loan counseling process this week really put things into perspective for me: I’m a senior, and in a month I’ll be an independent career person.
The American Dietetic Association released the 2010 Dietary Guidelines in January.
On Aug. 30, 1997, little Kaj Krogstad was born in Nashville, Tenn., to Donald “Chopper” Krogstad and his wife, Marit.