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Student senate meeting focuses on Martin Luther King Junior day, Christmas break 

MOORHEAD — The most recent Student Government Association (SGA) meeting occurred on Thursday, Nov. 30, in the Integrated Science Center. 

The two main items on the agenda were updates on events surrounding Martin Luther King Junior (MLK) day as well as a Senate appropriations request for international students who will be staying on campus over Christmas break.  

Another notable update came from Nathalie Rinehardt, assistant dean of students and director of student engagement. Rhinehardt acts as SGA’s advisor. 

She shared that Concordia recently received a grant from the Minnesota Office of Higher Education. The college will receive $150,000 over the course of two years.  

“The money is going to be able to provide students with things like rent, utilities, food and transportation,” said Rinehardt. 

More information will be released at a later time. 

“We’re just on the process right now of figuring out all of the grant requirements and how we have to accept applications, how we have to report and whatnot, but we’re super excited,” Rinehardt said. 

Also on the agenda was planning for MLK day. This years MLK day celebrations will take place on Jan. 15.  

“The theme this year is communities in action, empowering the dream,” senior, Alissa Edjacin said. 

Edjacin serves at the diversity advocate for the diversity, equity and inclusion commission (DEIC). 

The first event celebrating MLK day will be on Friday, Jan. 12. It will feature comedian Chinedu Unaka.  

Throughout the week other events will be featured as well, including a haircare event, volunteering and concurrent sessions hosted by students. 

“The reason behind the theme is that we bring in emphasis on the importance of action, especially in our communities, as small as they are, it’s really important. And the second big idea behind it, as well, is seeking justice and freedom in a world that is unjust, and that is continuous. It’s something that we do every day,” Edjacin said. 

There was also a senate appropriations request from junior Hakima Amiri.  

Amiri requested $122.82 to aid international students who have to stay on campus during Christmas break. 

SGA has a fund of $2,000 they keep on hand for discretionary spending and this was the second request this academic year. The first request was for an Elections and Credentials Council (ECC) event. 

“So each year we end up with some students who are going to stay on campus, and from past experiences from our students, that has not been the very best experience to stay on campus for three weeks alone,” Amiri said. 

The funding would go to facilitating some goodies for the seven international students who will remain on campus for items like donuts, hot chocolate and tea. In addition, Amiri explained that the students could go ice skating at Broadway Square in downtown Fargo.  

Amiri received much encouragement from the senate to increase the amount she had requested. 

“I encourage you to bump to 150,” SGA president, Jesus Gonzalez. 

After some discussion, Amiri decided to request $300 from SGA.  

The senate voted and the request unanimously passed.  

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