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Year’s end

The end of the year is here. I have a lot of weird apprehensions I think. My year has been filled with weird realizations, moments and a list of things I am just 500 percent done with right now.

I will be ending my junior year, and it has gone faster than any year here at Cord. I am feeling the finality of having to get everything together in order to leave this place.

This year is a sad one for me because I have a lot of friends that are seniors who will be leaving me, but I am realizing quickly how weird college is.

Think about it, we have to apply to go to a place where we pay to learn, live and eat. We get put in social groups that start out as helpful but soon degrade into a group of people whose habits you detest. You live in a building with 250 other people, only to end up liking about 5.

You are forced to deal with people you haven’t grown up with, and you have to balance your real life with work and school without your parents telling you how to do it. Money is an object that dictates how much or how little you can do, but only the money you have—don’t count the many loans because those aren’t real for four years. For the first time, you are working to impress a significant other that isn’t known by everyone in your life already, finding out who you actually want to hang around with.

It is such a concentrated time to be with people, where you make friends with people who leave in a couple years, you get jobs for only four years, you work your butt off to get into a position of power and then pray that all of that work you did in the super condensed time pays off somehow.

And then, in true over-analyzer fashion, I sit and ponder if anyone who graduates will keep in contact. Because contrary to popular belief I like you sick over-worked people. I also know that unless you unfriend me, I will watch what you do forever because I like to see where everyone goes.

So I guess what I am trying to say is pardon me while I existentially ponder the meaning of my life and what it is going to be next year as a senior, and how I am going to handle leaving the place I have made a home in for three years. Until next year, stay classy Cobber kids.

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