While Concordia’s Campus Democrats have rallied around Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump remains an elephant in the room for Campus Republicans. During primary season, Minnesota proved…
Posts tagged as “Voting”
Some events canceled by Student Government Association; disappoints campus democrat, republican leaders Concordia hosted Political Awareness Week on campus Oct. 13-17, though few students may…
On Tuesday, October 21, the Supreme Court upheld the previously struck down Texan voter identification law. The 2011 law requires people voting to present photo…
Elections are less than a week away; get informed about the candidates and go vote. I’m sorry, it’s just that when I became a Social…
Well-known slam poet Sierra DeMulder visited Concordia not only to perform her style of original political poetry, but to convince students that their vote matters.…
Voting polls opened in the Knutson Campus Center Tuesday; for the first time in campus history, students living on campus could cast ballots in the…
With the election one month away, students have started thinking about voter registration. A new rule beginning this year says every student living on campus…