The enchanting tale of “Beauty and the Beast” has created a surprisingly large amount of controversy for a children’s movie. Bill Condon, the director of…
Posts published by “Jonathan Immel”
Jonathan is a junior double majoring in Economic and Finance and English Writing and minoring in Music. He enjoys music, traveling, hammocking, drinking tea, and listening to records. This is his second semester writing for the Concordian!
Movie watchers asked common questions surrounding the release of “Logan,” the final Wolverine movie for Hugh Jackman, who has played the role for 17 years.…
After the Boogeyman, John Wick, the man who killed three men in a bar with a pencil, seems to have finally escaped the hitman industry,…
February, normally a lull in the film industry, includes many movies aiming to be the first “success” of 2017. “Rings,” the third film based on…