Refugees fleeing war-torn countries have a difficult time communicating and understanding differences in culture and daily life. Concordia students are engaging in service learning activities…
Posts published in “Community”
When it comes to literacy in children, the doctor knows best—Dr. Suess, that is. America Reads is a federally funded work-study program started by the…
A new ordinance in Moorhead has the city abuzz with interest; it has appeared in the local newspaper and been talked about on the radio,…
A baby made the only sound that permeated the crowd as Bristol Palin unraveled her story to an antiabortion audience in Fargo Oct. 7. One…
A 7-year-old girl, “Little Miss USA,” gets her picture taken in a white, jewel-encrusted hard hat. A volunteer shouts “Yee-haw!” as he cuts paving stones…
Fargo-Moorhead residents have volunteered to save the community from floods, but this week volunteers will build a house. A Moorhead family, the Grommeshes, will hear…
The 40 Days for Life campaign, which started Sept. 22 and extends until Oct. 31, aims to pray and fast to end abortion. However, people…
Homecoming 2010 is not a typical homecoming. Concordia favorites, like the bonfire, concert, and football game, are still a part of the tradition, but the…
The campus community continues to mourn the loss of President Pamela Jolicoeur who passed away on June 9, 2010, from a stroke. Students, staff and…
In light of the recent flood, Fargo and Moorhead have been rapidly working on plans for flood diversions for the cities, but the diversions themselves…