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Cobbers find unique ways to stay active over summer

Most students use summer as a time to relax, earn a little extra cash, and reunite with family and friends back home. However, summer is also a great time to get outdoors and be active–such as these four Cobbers.

Green Days

Junior golf player Dana Meslow spent most of her summer at Indian Hills golf course in Stillwater, Minn. Meslow and her family played the course several times.

“I went out on the course three times a week, with my dad and sister,” Meslow said. “We would walk the course together and play 18 holes. It normally took us about three hours.”

Aside from playing with her family, she also had a part time job as a beverage server at the course.

“The course was my second home,” Meslow said.

Before the school year began, Cobber golf was in full swing.

“We came back up to Moorhead on the 25th of August,” Meslow said. “We went go-karting, had a pool party and socialized. We also played four rounds of 18 holes as a team.”

Biking to the West

This summer Ellie Tiffany and her family took a cruise to Hungary, Slovakia, Austria and the Czech Republic. While vacationing in Austria, Tiffany and her family took advantage of a bike trip through a valley one afternoon.

“We had done a lot of walking throughout the trip,” Tiffany said. “The biking was offered through the cruise so we decided to try it.”

She describes the beautiful Wachau Valley surrounded her and her family during the bike ride.

“There were mountains everywhere,” Tiffany said. “We biked between them and near the Danube River.”

Tiffany said that the terrain was fairly flat, except for a steep hill at one point.

“The hill wasn’t steep but just long,” Tiffany said. “We walked up the sharp hill and didn’t pass each other.”

Tiffany said the bike excursion allowed her to do a little something different during her vacation.

“I really liked getting some exercise, and I felt more into the culture while biking,” Tiffany said.

Lohse searching for triceratops remains
Lohse poses atop a mountain in Montana while searching for triceratops remains. Submitted photo.

Making Discoveries

This summer, Samantha Lohse took part in this year’s Biology research trip and climbed to new heights. During the two-week trip, Lohse and seven other students experienced new things with every turn.

“We hiked for six to seven hours a day for two weeks,” Lohse said. “I made sure to have good hiking boots, and a good backpack.”

She explained that the purpose of the research trip was to bring some new findings back to Concordia.

“We were trying to find triceratops remains and anything else that was new to Concordia,” Lohse said.

While hiking through the mountains of Montana, Lohse came across an incredible finding.

“I found a triceratops frill, which is the part above the head,” Lohse said. “I am going to be reconstructing it throughout the rest of the year.”

At the end of the two-week trip, Lohse said that she learned so much not only about biology but also about herself.

“I realized that I am stronger than I thought.”

Elizárraga and friends
Elizárraga and friends pose for a photo covered in dye after the Run or Dye 5K race. Submitted photo.

Run or Dye

Alex Elizárraga didn’t let his previous knee injury stop him from participating in this year’s Run or Dye event. Along with participating in last semester’s College Against Cancer run, Elizárraga’s past marathon training helped him complete the race.

“I had done other marathon training, so a 5K wasn’t that bad,” Elizárraga said. “My goal was just not to injure myself.”

Elizárraga said the atmosphere at the Run or Dye event allowed him to run at a comfortable pace.

“At the start we got a packet of dye, and music was on throughout the event, “ Elizárraga said. “There were mostly college-aged participants, as well as a few families.”

Along with non-stop music, he mentioned there were a couple of dye stations on the route.

“You got one packet at the beginning, they also threw out packets before the race,” Elizárraga said. “The stations (staff) threw dye out as you ran, too.”

After crossing the finish line Elizárraga celebrated with friends.

“The run took me 30 minutes, after I took part in the dance party at the finish line,” Elizárraga said.

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