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Opinion: Canadian truckers fight back against Trudeau’s authoritarianism

As the pandemic continues to dominate our daily lives, many conservatives including myself are specifically worried about a new type of pandemic that is spreading like wildfire in the Western world: authoritarianism. Authoritarianism is by definition “the enforcement or advocacy of strict obedience to authority at the expense of personal freedom.” For the past two and a half years, COVID-19 has ruled certain parts of our lives: the ability to attend meetings or classes in person, to go to a restaurant, bar or coffee shop and, sometimes, to meet our loved ones. Across the Western world, vaccines, masks and lockdowns were mandated by almost all countries to “prevent and slow the spread.” However, over the last week, it seemed that the working class of Canada decided to refuse and rise up for freedom against governmental insanity.

On Jan. 22, dozens of truck drivers departed from British Colombia en route to Ottawa to protest the vaccine mandate issued by the private-equity-funded government of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Trudeau called the protest “a small fringe minority” and that the truckers hold “unacceptable views.” Now, you would assume that the self-identified progressives in Canada would stand by the working men and women of the convoy. Of course, that did not happen but instead, they were smeared as “right-wing extremists and Nazis” by the left-wing media. For Vox, MSNBC and other progressive media funded by tech moguls and private equity barons, the word “freedom” means nothing and if you dare to say that out loud, then you’re a Nazi. The elites in Canada see the truckers as “insurrectionists,” as deemed by former Goldman Sachs banker Mark Carney claiming in his article: “It’s time to end the sedition in Ottawa by enforcing the law and following the money.” 

The working-class men and women in Canada did not stay silent and revolted against the tyranny: A “support the truckers” GoFundme account was created and gathered around $10 million CAD (approximately $7.8 million USD) in about a week. 

The regime’s response came later on. As reported by Market Watch, “Canadian officials got GoFundMe to cut off funding after protest organizers used the site to raise about 10 million Canadian dollars ($7.8 million). GoFundMe determined that the fundraising effort violated the site’s terms of service due to unlawful activity.” At the same time, the same people that advocated for defunding the police during the BLM riots last year ordered the Canadian police to seize fuel from the Canadian truck drivers freezing in the arctic cold. Pretty hypocritical, right? 

The message is loud and clear: If your narrative fits our narrative, you are allowed to loot and burn cities to the ground in the name of “progressiveness” and “social justice.” However, if you’re a proponent of common sense and stand for freedom, then you’re a racist and you must be crushed.

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