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The Concordian

Get an education, not just a major

Picking a major can feel like choosing a life. Music or math? English or theatre? Students are torn between passions and have to decide what to be when they “grow up.”

High Risk High

Why do more college students binge drink in North Dakota than in any other state in the United States?

Championship Roundup

Wrestling: Senior wrestler Phil Moenkedick won his second NCAA Championship 2-1 last weekend on March 12. Moenkedick is the first Concordia wrestler to win two…

Getting them back in the game

What do Cobbers think of when the month of March comes to mind? The beginning of fourth block and flood season, surely, but National Athletic Training Month?

Report leads to new policy

Concordia College is undergoing changes: the phasing out of majors, a new school of business, soon a new president. However, there is a change that…

Why diversity matters

A response to “In defense of white males” on 3/11

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