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Student government association removes member

MOORHEAD – The Student Government Association (SGA) has removed one of their members. 

In a Teams message sent on Nov. 3, assistant dean of students Nathalie Rinehardt informed the members of SGA that Ruel Domi would no longer be serving as a member at large for the 2023-24 school year. 

Members at Large are appointed officials, according to the SGA Bylaws. They are selected by the Student Involvement Council (SIC) and the Elections and Credentials Council (ECC). 

Domi declined The Concordian’s request for an interview, but in a private Instagram post shared with The Concordian he wrote  “As of yesterday after a farce process based on ridiculous lies and misconstruing, I have been removed from my position as a member at large in the SG”

Rinehardt and elected SGA president Jesus Gonzalez have declined to comment on Domi’s removal. 

In the Nov. 3 Teams message Rinhardt indicated that Domi’s removal followed the process laid out in SGA’s constitution and bylaws. 

Article five of the SGA constitution outlines the removal of student government officials. Section three clause one reads “Appointed officials may be removed from office by a majority decision determined by the Elections and Credentials Council according to procedure defined in the Bylaws,”

Article five of the SGA bylaws further outlines the removal process for SGA officials. Section one of article five outlines reads “Documentation of just cause for the removal of any SGA official must be presented and kept on file in a secure location”.

The ECC, SGA executive team and staff advisors are responsible for authorizing removal of any SGA official, as per article five section one. 

Article five section four outlines the appeals process. Appeals must be made within seven academic days of the decision to the Student Affairs Committee. The decision of the appeal “shall be final and binding” according to the SGA constitution. 

The current Elections and Credentials Council Commissioner, Jacob Schoenborn, declined to comment on the matter citing that it is still an ongoing process.

It’s unclear whether or not Domi intends to appeal the decision. 

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