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Alumni give back to current students 

MOORHEAD — Cobber alumni united on Concordia’s annual Giving Day by donating over $320,000 to support the current students on Thursday, Nov. 16.   

Giving day is the largest fundraising event of the year for the college. All of the donations go to students at Concordia through scholarships, such as the Cobber Fund. Gifts come from more than 1,000 different alumni, faculty, staff and parents of all ages.   

After all the donations have been made, the Board of Regents will match the dollar amount that has been donated. 

“I think that is really inspiring to know that there is a whole community of Cobbers that care about you and your education, that are willing to invest in you,” Cobber alum and Director of Annual Giving and Engagement, Katherine Halvorson said.  

The planning of giving day starts in July with thinking about how to connect with people. The call center starts by reaching out with phone calls, emails and invitations.  

“It really proves how special this place is that alumni that have graduated 10, 20, 50, even 60 years ago are so infatuated with this place and connected and are willing to give their money to help the students here,” Senior and call center student worker, Atlie Danielson said.  

Throughout the day givers participate in fun challenges to donate more. Partnering with Dining Services, givers have the option to vote on which desert is better. This year was caramel rolls or cinnamon rolls.   

Once they have reached a number of donations, the recipe for the treat with the most votes revealed.  

Cobbers also partnered with the Coffee Stop, for the Give-a-Latte. Every amount donated would be matched by the Coffee Stop.  

There are many different competitions throughout the day that givers can get involved in such as the best state and the best graduating class year. Givers can choose to donate to Giving Day to submit their vote.   

“In the future it builds a network of wanting to give back as well because you see how much other people have helped make it possible for you to be here so you want to do the same down the road,” Danielson said.  

Students also had a chance to participate in Giving Day with the Karaoke car and the Cobb Cam, allowing students to thank specific donors for their generous gift.   

Kathy Benson is an annual donor for Giving Day. Benson was a student at Concordia College who graduated in 1964. All four of her sons graduated from Concordia as well.  

Benson shared her story of being a student at Concordia College and not being able to afford to pay her tuition. With a special gift from her grandfather she was able to make the payment.  

Benson is always willing to give to Cobber Giving Day and makes donations throughout the year. 

“If I am asked I will give,” Benson said. “I give because somebody took the chance and invested in me. I take it as my responsibility to invest in someone else and what better investment than young people.” 

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