Christmas ornaments, clicking pens and a palpable level of anxiety fill the library as finals week descends upon Concordia’s campus.
Going to the library during finals week can be daunting. However, librarians, student workers and seasoned professionals have offered some advice about using the library during this challenging time.
As all kinds of students file into the library, regular users often feel that their space is being encroached upon during finals. The library sees a large number of first-time library users come in during this time, according to Leah Anderson, circulation and interlibrary loan manager at Carl B. Ylvisaker library.
“A lot of regulars get really upset that they can’t get ‘their table’ in the library,” Anderson said.
Heather Hurner, student library staff member and junior, stressed the importance of using the resources available to the students. These include the reference desk, four-hour check-outs of laptops and the wait list for study rooms.
If a student is on the wait list for a study room, the worker at the circulation desk can send them a text message when their room is ready. The student must claim the room within five minutes of being texted.
The reference desk is a much-used resource in the library. From 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., a librarian is available to help with finding sources, citing material and pointing students in the right direction.
Beth Willoughby, a librarian at Concordia, stresses the importance of coming to the reference desk with a formulated question. Students frequently wait until they get to the desk to determine what it is they’re asking, according to Willoughby.
Hurner and Willoughby emphasize being focused and prepared for studying when in the library. However, the librarians acknowledge that there’s only so much focus a student can have.
A de-stress station will be set up evenings during finals week in the second floor classroom with Christmas movies and snacks for students who need to take a break.
The library will have extended hours from 7:45 a.m. Tuesday to 2:00 a.m. Wednesday and again 7:45 a.m. Wednesday to 2:00 a.m. Thursday.
Class of 2014 at Concordia College. Majoring in Political Science and Philosophy. Involved in Student Government and, of course, The Concordian.
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