Things that are, like, TOTALLY HOT
Campus Tours – Giving campus tours as a senior is one of the most fun and interesting experiences that any senior could have. While I work in the admissions office, do not allow me to steal all of these reminiscent opportunities to explore campus. Grab a friend and just spend an hour walking around… It never ceases to amaze me how much I can still learn about this amazing place, because while Concordia is small in size, it is big in spirit and experience.
“Hello’s” – During a time in my life when I’m leaving so many things I’ve grown to love, being introduced to new/cool things is incredibly exciting. This semester, I’ve said hello to onions, journalism and embracing uncertainty. Learning to say hello in a time of transition is one of the greatest lessons I’ve ever learned.
Cider (21+ only) – YUM.
Gluten-free pizza – Listen, I am not one to frequently sing the praises of gluten-free food items, mostly because they have a tendency to taste like a perfect mixture of cardboard, sawdust and disappointment. That said, Dining Services and Dominos have both provided me with QUALITY gluten-free pizza. Pizza is definitely hot.
Job prospects – Looking for jobs is really fun. Every time, it’s like I get to use the “Process What-If” function for my actual life. What if I got this job at a university? What if I got this job doing admissions for a theater troupe? The promise of the future is exciting.
Professors and staff members at Concordia – Maybe I’m the only one doing this (in which case I owe every faculty member I’ve interacted with an apology), but I am getting weepy about advising. Not just with my actual assigned advisor, but with mentors, professors, coaches and the all-around good people who are employed here. I am consistently impressed with the ability of Concordia folks to make every interaction feel like the most special and formative conversation of my life. I will never stop searching for that and appreciating anyone and everyone who has demonstrated it.
1-3-3-1 – Listen, there has been a lot of grumbling about this future administrative plan. But there are some aspects of this process that we, as students, should be universally celebrating. First of all, this is the first time we’ve been included in administrative conversation in such a serious way. Let’s do our part to take EVERY opportunity to engage critically in this discussion and prove the we are worthy to be included around the table for administrative issues. Further, we must keep in mind that regardless of the unknown logistics, we are blessed to have an administrative system that is trying to do what is best for this place. While we don’t have to agree on every aspect of what this institution’s next step should be, we owe a level of respect and courtesy to our administrators as they work hard during this transition. They’ve recognized that they owe us the right to converse, now let’s use it wisely. Disagreeing respectfully is totally hot right now.
Hugs – Tried to count my number of hugs per day. Lost count at noon with around 35. Real talk: I love hugs, so get at me.
These things are also cool…NOT
The end of Campus Tours – While giving campus tours as a senior is one of the most fun and interesting experiences any senior could have, I must offer a fair amount of warning; beware the end of the tour. You will be fine before it happens. You’ll be smiling, reminiscing and generally enjoying your day. Once you realize that you have to be done, however, that hour tour will become a metaphor for your entire collegiate experience and you will weep.
“Goodbye’s” – This is the time in my life when I’m leaving so many things I’ve grown to love. This can be the more simple things (Dining Services) or can be more complex and emotional things (the support systems I’ve spend four years with). Regardless of what I’m being forced to say goodbye to, it sucks and I hate it.
Regular pizza – Regular pizza doesn’t even care that it hurts me. It takes sick pleasure in my pain and watches as I am tempted by its tasty hot exterior. When I cave, however, I am not branded with a scarlet letter but rather with a scarlet belly. Eating gluten makes me look like I’m pregnant with a remorse baby. NOT cute.
1-3-3-1 – While I think this plan has some positive ideals behind it, and I appreciate the administration’s willingness to include the student voice and to engage with student opinion, I do feel as though students and staff alike are being kept out of the loop. Whether this stems from intentional lack of disclosure or lack of finite details of this plan, people are being sent into a “War of the Worlds” esque panic about this scary unknown schedule change. For individuals who appreciate higher education, being left in the dark is a worst case scenario. This is because everyone wants to know how it specifically affects them. I would encourage everyone to allow discourse regarding this issue to be comprehensive. Of course you should worry about your major, department, or extra-curricular activity. But never forget, as a liberal arts institution, that we seek a greater purpose than that. Being selfish, lacking understanding of the future of this institution and mass panic are NOT hot.
Beer (21+) – YUCK. Also, gluten.
Job applications – While looking for jobs is a blast, having to actually apply for them is THE ACTUAL WORST. Listen, I can only edit these resumes so many times before I freak out. What the actual heck IS a cover letter? STRESS CITY.
Homework and more homework at Concordia – While I’ve been pretty sappy and emotional with the Concordia folks whom have impacted my life most substantially, I have not felt the same sentiment toward the work they assign. I love to learn. I really really do. But willing myself to care about obscure readings is one of the more difficult things I’ve done. I usually feel pretty validated for completing these readings because I love class discussion, but the actual act of completing homework is equivalent to punching myself in the face. #seniorslide
Friendly punches – This just felt like the right venue for me to quickly vent about these. I bruise easily so, like, quit freaking punching me!
My name is Colin Sullivan and I am currently a senior at Concordia College majoring in Psychology, Sociology, and Spanish. Along with my classes, I am the co-President of the Straight and Gay Alliance (SAGA) and also participate in Student Government Association (SGA), Cobber Forensics (Speech and Debate), and Choir.
My passions reside within issues of social justice and critically analyzing the ways in which Concordia and society on the whole supports diversity initiatives. I long for an environment within which one’s minority status does not pre-determine their likelihood for success.
Some other random facts about me: I am a Pisces with an inability to digest gluten. I have a debilitating fear of clowns and public restrooms and refuse to ride bicycles. I am 100% Irish, a recovering scarf addict, and my speaking voice is as loud as the average yell.
Please e-mail me at or tweet me @csulliva09 if you want to chat. I’d love to answer any questions you may have 🙂
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