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Posts tagged as “concordia”

Mike Marth + ecce gallery

“I think of inspiration as a two-way channel. I think you have to start with an inspired mind and be positively charged and engaged in…

Sister Act

So I wrote my first article and (giant shocker) it wasn’t about freshmen. Well here I am, a week late and ready to chat about…

The free press, not a free pass

The past two weeks have played host to freshman orientation, two speeches by interfaith leader Eboo Patel and a two-day symposium on international genocide. A…

Do we need Laundry View?

Imagine the laundry machine texting you to let you know that your laundry is done. Just imagine being able to see from your laptop which…

An ode to Adele the truck

I’m convinced that cars have personalities—not the cute, cartoonish ones seen in movies like “The Love Bug” or “Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.” Rather, I think…

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