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Posts tagged as “LXXXVV/23”

BREWing Alone

At first I didn’t notice what was different in the campus organizations I was involved in. Like many small, creeping changes in campus climate, it…

The absurdity of North Dakota politics

“Well, you know, it is North Dakota.” That is my typical response whenever I see or hear about an absurdity in our neighbor state and…

Do we need Laundry View?

Imagine the laundry machine texting you to let you know that your laundry is done. Just imagine being able to see from your laptop which…

An ode to Adele the truck

I’m convinced that cars have personalities—not the cute, cartoonish ones seen in movies like “The Love Bug” or “Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.” Rather, I think…

Kelly Clarkson interpreted

Many of us have been walking around lip-syncing or Bernie-ing to the new pop awesomeness that is “Stronger” by Kelly Clarkson. We have been applying…

The BREW bubble

This Letter to the Editors was submitted by Dan Loyas and Stef Clark, a first-year and senior student (respectively) at Concordia College. This year almost…

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