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Posts published by “Mark Besonen”

Hello, my name is Mark Besonen, and I am a senior from Apple Valley, Minnesota. I am double majoring in History and Political Science, and I hope to go on to graduate school once I graduate from Concordia. Last semester, I studied abroad in Jerusalem, Israel. Politically, I am a Conservative, and I will be articulating the Conservative/Republican point of view in my blog posts. I am looking forward to writing for the Concordian this year! God Bless America!

"When given the freedom to choose, people choose freedom."
-Ronald Reagan.

Santa, the socialist

See the opposing argument here. *WARNING* this piece is satirical in nature. Well, its Christmas season once again, time to go out and get all…

Paul-Rubio 2016

Given that the government shutdown is over and Obamacare is a disaster so far, Austin and I decided to look to the future this week.…

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