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Rockin’ round the Christmas tree with SIC

Photo by Hailey Von Wald. Guests mingle at the SIC party in the atrium.

Classic Christmas tunes floated through the atrium Monday, Dec. 3 as the Student Involvement Committee hosted their first-ever holiday party. Student organization leaders were invited to join in the festivities and celebrate all they have accomplished this semester.

The “Rockin’ Round the Christmas Tree with SIC” party involved lots of planning and brainstorming. To begin, the committee adorned the 15-foot Christmas tree in the atrium with maroon and gold ornaments, yellow lights, maroon and gold ribbon and a gold Concordia beanie tree-topper. They even swathed the tree in a lush maroon tree skirt in the shape of a Cobber “C” with lace trim for the event.

“We wanted to do something for the student organization leaders to thank them for the work they have done this past semester, since they’re the ones that deal with us the most,” said Matt Dymoke, executive assistant for SIC.

In addition to celebrating the success of Concordia’s many organizations, SIC’s Student Involvement Council Commissioner Jocelyn Fetsch hoped to do more.

“(We wanted to) show our appreciation for all the student organization leaders, have a time where we can gather around the Christmas tree to talk about student organizations, mingle, hang out or have a study break,” Fetsch said.

In keeping with the festivities, members of SIC donned Christmas sweaters and Santa hats and served trays of cookies, bars and hot cocoa. Although there was a debate about whether to have a classy black tie party or a Christmas-sweater themed party, the latter won out.

The party was held in the atrium, a rather unconventional location, but Fetsch also explained that SIC chose to hold the party around the traditional Christmas tree.

As the merriment continued, Mr. and Mrs. Claus made an appearance at the party for photos and Christmas wishes.

Although the “Rockin’ Round the Christmas Tree” event wasn’t open to the whole campus, it provided discussion and direction for student organization leaders.

“Our council’s mission is to oversee and help student organizations, so we thought it would be fun to have just student organization leaders there,” said Dymoke.

The committee also limited the attendance to student organization leaders for a few more reasons.

“Originally we were going to open it up to the entire student body to take pictures with Santa and celebrate, but it makes more sense for us to host something for the student org leaders,” said Fetsch. “We wanted to get the word out there and be there for (leaders) to be able to ask us questions.”

When SIC was looking to host a party, they decided to have a fundraiser to go along. The committee chose to donate proceeds to the Gladys Ray Shelter.

“We chose Gladys Ray because Concordia does not really have a relationship with it yet,” said Fetsch. “We decided to find something different to donate to.”

After the success of the first SIC holiday party, the committee hopes it will live on for years to come.

“We would love this to become a big event for the students or leaders to share what they’ve been working on,” Fetsch said.


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