With housing selection underway, students are asking an annual question: what are the pros and cons to living on campus?
From the traditional residence halls and the apartments, to the town houses and every community found within, Concordia campus offers differing experiences and places to live on campus.
“Some of the main benefits of living on campus are the convenience, the support and the way it enhances the student’s learning experience,” said Mikal Kenfield, assistant dean of students and director of residence life. She explained that her favorite part of living on campus was the opportunity to build relationships with people that she otherwise wouldn’t have due to their differing interests.
Maggie Clink, a junior, said that she enjoys how close she is to classes by living on campus and that the rooms come with furniture.
Emma Kepler, a first year, said that she likes that she is close to her classes and professors, that dining services is near, and the community atmosphere.
KJ Siegle, a sophomore, thinks that that proximity is the best part of living on campus.
Alexis Miller, a first year, also enjoys how she is close to class and other people when she lives on campus and that she is able to be around the pretty campus.
“When you live on campus, you don’t need to worry about monthly bills, about driving to campus for class, about shoveling your sidewalks, about how to cover your roommate’s rent if they move out [and] things like that,” said Kenfield. “You also have a built-in support network with your RA, your Hall Director, your floormates – so many people who can help you with any challenges.”
Neither living on campus nor off campus is perfect and there can be some challenges attached to either. For on campus housing, it can take some adjustmenting to get used to sharing a room or other living spaces with other people. When it comes to off campus housing, concerns over finances can arise.
“I always recommend [students] really think about the true costs of living off-campus before they commit to a lease — especially if they are going to need to pay for utilities.” said Kenfield.
Clink wishes that the on campus housing had stronger wifi connections, cleaner common areas and more options for not sharing a bedroom.
Kepler would like for the option to have suite style rooms, bigger rooms and individual bathrooms.
Siegle would ask for more townhouses to be available as they always go quickly each year, more apartments and Brown Hall would be renovated and fixed.
Miller agreed with what the others had to say and adds that the current guest policy is hard for those in the dorms and would hope that that changes when it is safe.

“In my role now, I know that students really want more options for their own bedrooms. I’d love to be able to renovate Brown Hall to provide more suite-style housing with individual bedrooms and shared lounges/bathrooms.” said Kenfield.
Overall, living on campus is great to have nearby communities, relationships and classes. Being on campus can help connect individuals and encourage students to be involved with classes, clubs and other activities. It also helps students know a flat fee for housing and not have to worry about shoveling in the winter. The common wishes of students is to have more options outside of a traditional dorm building. These wishes are also recognized by residence life staff.
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