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Too little, too late

My name is Siri Manning, and I am a senior Political Science major from Breckenridge, MN.  My political beliefs have always been fairly fluid due to the fact that my dad, a pastor, has refused to go into detail about his ideas on politics my entire life in order to appear objective to his congregation. I have my suspicions about who he voted for in the 2012 election cycle, but he has consistently managed to effectively dodge my questions with broad academic statements about ethics.  I have to say “fairly fluid” because my mom is a music teacher and daughter to dairy farmers and I have grown up listening to National Public Radio, so fluid, in this respect, probably exists on a sliding scale between “moderate” and “Green Party.”

Sunday, September 16th, marked the 50th anniversary of a racially motivated bombing at 16th Street Baptist Church in Birmingham, Alabama.  On that morning fifty years ago, three members of the Klu Klux Klan planted a bomb under the steps of the church that exploded during the church’s Youth Sunday and killed 4 young girls in an event that would rock the nation and change the its perspective of the Civil Rights movement. 50 years later, Congress posthumously awarded the victims, who have now become known as the “four little girls,” the Congressional Gold Medal, one of the highest honors that can be awarded to civilians as the “highest expression of national appreciation for distinguished achievements and contributions.” The award ceremony took place in Washington D.C., five days before the anniversary of the attack, and was attended by the families of the victims. Various high-profile politicians on both sides of the aisle such as Nancy Pelosi and John Boehner spoke to the legacy of the girls who were killed and the way their deaths impacted the Civil Rights Movement, pledging to continue working towards racial equality.

 This is not enough, and it has happened too late.

 Sarah Collins Rudolph, a sister of one of the victims, lost her eye in the attack, and initially refused the award when it was offered, saying, “I’m letting the world know, my sister didn’t die for freedom. . . My sister died because they put a bomb in that church and they murdered her.”  Although she did end up attending the ceremony, her statement should resonate with the American people.  Why did it take 50 years for some recognition of the lives lost at that church? And what is a medal given posthumously supposed to do to change a political climate marked by the death of Trayvon Martin and the issues surrounding the Voting Rights Act? It is easier to raise a statue of the girls in Birmingham than to address the issues surrounding their death, and this is what has happened a half century after the attack.  While these efforts were well intentioned, awarding medals and erecting statues is not, and should never, be enough to assuage the horror of innocent lives lost because of hate.  The people of the United States must be able to have productive, honest, and difficult conversations about the role of race in society and the obstacles that still need to be overcome in order to truly move forward and honor the many lives lost throughout the Civil Rights Movement, especially the four girls who lost their lives 50 years ago.

One Comment

  1. Dad Dad September 20, 2013

    You probably didn’t think I had the time or social media acumen to track you down, after hearing of your post through a media personality in the area. Time for a rebuttal.
    First, from the standpoint of the IRS, there are certain restrictions on what I can publicly say related to partisan politics from the pulpit or as a public figure, before I start to endanger the whole tax-exempt status.
    Second, if I go on record urging others to vote for Obama, then I probably have to give equal time to the Tea Party bunch asking to use the church for a rally. This request has happened. We elected to turn them down. If you think it was because I’m apolitical let’s go out for 4 hour run on the trails…
    Third, 27 years ago I decided that to achieve change in this world–real change–I would follow a calling into ministry. You remember that before that I worked in two political campaigns as a PT paid volunteer on the phone banks? For each party?
    Fourth, while I have opinions about politics, I have far stronger ideas and beliefs about theology and philosophy, and how they inform and intersect politics. You have mostly heard my political beliefs uttered through the rhetoric of satire, parody or sarcasm. What WILL we do without Mrs. Bachman??
    Last, though we don’t always agree, we love each other, and suffer together on the trails, atoning for whatever sins burden us on our pilgrimage together.
    Love, Dad

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