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Rush-ing to cultivate sisterhood on campus

MOORHEAD – Concordia’s only sorority, Lambda Delta Sigma (LDS), has been hosting on and off-campus events in an effort to recruit more students to join the organization. LDS acts as Concordia’s sole involvement in Greek life on campus and is run by the sorority members at the college. 

Approximately twenty students are rushing this year, which is a sizeable increase from eight that rushed last year, according to recruitment captain and social chair of LDS, Abby Lysne.  

“So, for recruitment, (recruiters) just like, make all the events for rush and then send everything to the communicators who run the Instagram. And then we help welcome new people. It’s mostly just planning, really. And then for social chair, we also just plan events and reach out to, like, all the other Greek life on nearby campuses,” Lysne said.  

The rush events this year included a hike to Gooseberry Park, in which the sorority members engaged in a speed-dating style activity with one another. Other events included making care packages for YWCA Cass Clay, followed by Pictionary, a bonfire and a movie night. 

Composition notebook promoting Lamda Delta Sigma Contributed/ Lamda Delta Sigma

“(The rush events) are so fun and they’re so like, well thought out, because each event is supposed to be, like, a different activity. They’re just very well thought out and I love the leaders,” first-year and new member of LDS, LJ Mock said.  

Students join the sorority for a variety of reasons, including the philanthropic nature of LDS and the social opportunities that are made available to them through the sorority.  

“To be honest, I figured it would be an easier way to meet people. I feel like joining clubs is like the perfect way to meet people, especially on a campus so small when you see the same people consistently,” LJ said. 

LDS is a philanthropic sorority that works with local charitable organizations and fundraises for them, according to Lysne. 

“We do a lot with the YWCA, that’s the main organization we work with. So we volunteer a lot with them, and then we go around to like, NDSU and MSUM, and like, hang out with their sororities and fraternities. So (LDS) is really good to, like, increase your social network kind of web. And there are a lot of good, like, leadership opportunities, like, so many different roles,” Lysne said.  

The recruits are adding a new wave of excitement through LDS, according to Lysne, and they have shown significant enthusiasm for being involved with not only the sorority but the Fargo-Moorhead philanthropic community as well.  

“(My favorite part of rush) has been getting to know the girls. They’re super nice, and just the energy, like I remember having that same energy and excitement, which I still do have.  I feel like we’re really building up the story in different ways than in the past which I’m really excited about,” Lysne said. 

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