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SGA reconvenes for a second session with new faces and outlooks 

MOORHEAD — On Thursday, Sept. 19, the Student Government Association (SGA) reconvened for its second session of the 2024-25 school year, with several positions newly filled. The members discussed TimelyCare access, election booth funding, and implementing a system for accountability to improve communication and attendance among senators. 

Swearing In 

The Integrated Science Center (ISC) lecture hall was full on Thursday evening, with all but two positions for the SGA filled, a sentiment multiple student senators proudly echoed. A swearing-in for new senate members was led by the faculty advisor of the SGA, Chad Lystad. 


Heather Simonich, Director of the Center for Holistic Health, gave a presentation on TimelyCare, its purpose, and its success on campus in the first month. 

The digital healthcare platform operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year. This bridges the gap of accessibility the Center for Holistic Health is currently facing on campus.  

Medical services do not exist on campus, and the existing health offices only operate on weekdays from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Simonich attests that TimelyCare effectively addresses the off hours, including weekends and academic breaks when students would not be able to receive care from the Center for Holistic Health. 

In the first month of its launch at Concordia College, Simonich reports an 18.7% engagement rate among the student population, which predominantly rests on the shoulders of first years. The Center for Holistic Health is trying to find better ways to reach and connect with upperclassmen. 

“When you’re not feeling well or things are tough in terms of mental health, that’s not the time you want to be looking for [TimelyCare] and downloading it and setting up your profile,” Simonich said.  

She encourages students to download and set up their account with TimelyCare before the need to utilize its services arrives. 

Students get 12 free mental health sessions through TimelyCare each year, and unlimited medical sessions, though they may have to pay for medicine prescribed as a result of those visits. 

Dining Hall Takeout Vetoed 

President Grace Halvorson followed up on her goal about allowing students to receive takeout food from the dining hall, which currently only offers buffet-style serving.   

After meeting with staff from dining services, Halvorson claimed that having a takeout program would be impractical. However, they are working on a program to donate leftover food from the Anderson Commons to the campus Food Shelf, so it would be made available to students there. 

Fishbowl Improvements 

Vice President Daniel Davies hinted at more detailed improvement plans to the Carl B. Ylvisaker Library, specifically for the main area lounge and the study area known as the “fishbowl”.  

Details are not finalized, but Davies mentioned plans to improve the study area’s comfort by adding additional furniture and the potential for a coffee bar in the main lounge. 

Election Booth Funds 

The senate unanimously approved a fund of $235 for SGA’s seasonal election booth. Several amendments were made to the cost and definition of “candy”, moving the cost up $30 and redefining it as “treats and offerings”. 

The booth has been successful in past years, so many senators found it justifiable to put more towards supporting it.

Attendance Resolution 

SGA also unanimously passed a resolution that created a “three-strike system” surrounding members’ attendance to SGA meetings and communication within the association. These are something the senate has struggled with in the past, and things specifically mentioned as strikes in the resolution are: 

  • A two-week unexplained gap in communication 
  • Unexcused meeting absences from SGA Student Senate 
  • Other unexplained absences with faculty or internal committees 

The three-strike system progresses as follows: 

  1. A meeting with the Chief of Staff 
  2. A meeting with the Executive Team 
  3. A meeting with the Office of Student Engagement 

Any additional strikes will lead to a potential escalation to the Election and Credentials Council, as decided by the Executive Team, for “possible removal procedures”. 

The system has been instated to provide intervention and support to members as needed, not as punishment for poor performance. 

SGA will reconvene at 7:30 pm on Oct. 3, in the ISC lecture hall. 

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