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Campus Update: March 25, 2020

The following was sent to Concordia students, faculty and staff on March 25, 2020: 

“Dear students, faculty and staff,

The past two weeks have presented significant challenge and necessary change in the way we teach, learn, and live in community at Concordia College.  I deeply appreciate everyone’s commitment to adapt as we pursue our mission in these times.  I write to you this day to share updates regarding the college’s response to the ongoing challenges of COVID-19.    

Extension of Online Courses:  After consideration of the increasing number of COVID-19 cases in Minnesota and North Dakota, the college has made the decision to extend remote/online instruction through the end of the spring semester.  Face-to-face instruction will not resume during this current term. Faculty will continue to work with students in remote/online learning and further identify the various pathways to successful completion of spring courses including final exams and all required coursework. 

Residential Life:  Concordia is taking an even more aggressive position to support the health and safety of our community as we seek to limit the spread of COVID-19.  As a result, the college directs all students to leave campus by noon on Saturday, March 28.  This directive includes those students who are living in on-campus residence halls, apartments, or townhouses.  Details and instructions regarding this process will be shared in a separate communication.  Additional instructions regarding move-out and checkout procedures will be provided at a later date.

It is understood that the campus is the primary home for a small number of Concordia students.  Residence Life staff will work directly with these students.  Please watch for directives from the Residence Life staff to inform this process.

Campus Housing and Meal Plans:  The college is working on a plan for determining credits for campus housing and meal plans.  Additional information will be forthcoming.  Updated information will be sent through Cobweb e-mail announcements and posted to the College’s COVID-19 webpage.

Postponement of Spring 2020 Commencement: It is with great disappointment that we announce the postponement of the Spring 2020 commencement ceremony.  The college’s commencement planning team, in conversation with a committee of graduating seniors, will determine potential dates and forms for a different commencement event.  Concordia is deeply committed to hosting a memorable event to honor and celebrate all students completing a baccalaureate during the Spring 2020 term. 

We face difficult times that have unsettled all our lives and work.  In the midst of that reality, I so highly prize the collaboration and collegiality of our community as we sustain the teaching, learning, and shared mission of Concordia. 

Be safe and well,

William Craft


Concordia College”

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