Intramural activities now require Concordia students to swipe in, in order to participate in any games.
“It’s just kinda housekeeping,” said Sadie Lerum, Co-Intramural Student Director.
“It’s just a universal system that everyone swipes in every time and we see your ID, we see that you are a student,” added Annika Svenningsen, Co-Intramural Student Director
Students swipe in or type their student ID number in order to participate that night as a way to ensure that all students involved are Concordia students.
“It is actually a Concordia policy and a liability on the school if someone [not a Concordia student] comes to play and gets injured. So it presents legal concerns,” said Svenningsen.
The tracking of IDs is also to secure fairness in all games.
“There is now a rule in place that you have to be here for at least half of the games in regular play to participate in playoffs so it’s another way for us to make sure that you are actually showing up for some games,” said Lerum.
“So it’s not like players are getting a whole new team right when playoffs happen,” said Svenningsen.
“It really is for the teams’ benefit and ours to know who is here each night,” said Lerum.