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A new organization on campus is aiming to support students who have or are planning on studying abroad.

Seniors Katie Randklev and Raquel Mondor recently formed the Student Association for Living and Studying Abroad (SALSA) as a support group and networking system for international and study abroad students.

“I think that this fills a large need on campus and so far we have had really strong, positive responses,” Randklev said.

Students interested in this opportunity will be able to reflect on their experiences through social media, events, and discussions offered on campus.

“[Cobber] Justin Bertram was the one who sort of had this big idea of starting a group here on campus,” Mondor said.

After the group got its roots last year, its ideas and goals have only grown.

Randklev described it as an organization “built to create a network among students who are interested in studying abroad, currently are abroad or have studied abroad.”

The club is already planning upcoming events, hoping to focus on “reflection and discussion of experiences,” and to act as an open space for students, according to Randklev.

Both Mondor and Randklev are double-majoring in Spanish and Global Studies and have spent time abroad. Now, they’re looking to provide support to international students studying here, to students while they are abroad and to students that have returned to campus.

“We want to do fun things as well as important things, like networking and connecting people,” Mondor said.

It is common for students to feel disconnected when returning to campus, which is why SALSA aims to make students feel more comfortable and to help them re-adjust to the campus environment at Concordia.

The club’s upcoming events range from connecting through discussions of experiences to actual salsa dancing nights.

The overall message of their club is to be a support system for students abroad.

“That’s what we are about,” Mondor said. “Being a resource for people who want to go abroad.”


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