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Posts tagged as “Sustainability”

What’s the buzz about?

Declining bee populations may matter more than you think From compound eyes, mandibles for eating and intricate social structures, bees pollinate over one third of…

Updates continue at Concordia EcoHouse

Residents of the EcoHouse have been making some updates lately. Kristina Kaupa, Julia Kuebelbeck, Emily Donovan and Sara Conley, all seniors, live in Concordia’s EcoHouse…

BREW Week Underway

The fourth annual BREW week is full swing and students are learning how to be sustainable. But not just environmentally. BREW week is put on…

Biking for sustainability

Over mid-semester break a group of Concordia students biked to Bemidji to learn about sustainability Over mid-semester break, Concordia students Kristina Kaupa and Denise Sykora…

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