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Posts published by “James Vair”

A senior majoring in Political Science and Communication, James hails from Omaha, Nebraska. He focuses primarily on the unique things that define our everyday lives.

Parting thoughts

Well here it is, my last column of the year. Crazy, isn’t it? How fast time has come and gone. I still remember sitting down…

An ode to Adele the truck

I’m convinced that cars have personalities—not the cute, cartoonish ones seen in movies like “The Love Bug” or “Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.” Rather, I think…

Roommates move apart

Office Manager Karen Bertek is looking forward to one thing about her new home in the Parke Student Leadership Center despite the impending stress surrounding…

Travel reminders

During the past couple of weeks I’ve done a lot of traveling. I usually don’t travel much, so spending more time on the move is…

Early graduates face life hurdles

The end of any typical fall semester at Concordia is filled with many things, from the Christmas Concerts to the stress of final examinations. December…


During one of our long bus rides on choir tour we watched the movie “The Help.” I hadn’t seen it before, and unfortunately halfway through…

The wheel of history

In case you were curious, choir tour was pretty great. Although at times it seemed daunting, when things seemed too intense I just asked myself…

Disconnect to reconnect

This past week I’ve spent most of my time in some form of transit. Whether it be on a plane, bus or car, choir tour…

Lessons on the road of life

Can you feel it– the change in the air, the upbeat conversations across campus, the sudden shift toward optimism? Yes my friends, it’s almost that…

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