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Cobbers can, and should, voice concerns to SGA

As Cobbers we will spew our political efficacy left and right during national elections, but what we fail to realize is that our civic duty doesn’t stop at the ballot box. Concordia’s Student Government Association holds annual elections for the student body to vote in, and the Faculty Senate holds regular meetings that students are welcome to attend. Not only that, but SGA encourages students to come to them with their issues. These people are chosen to represent the student body.

As someone who chooses to complain about Concordia College every single week in The Concordian, you’d think that I’d be more actively involved in government on campus. But, like most of us, I essentially ignore the existence of SGA except for when candidates are doling out free food in the atrium (thanks for the root beer float, Ahna and Will!). I’m just as guilty as the people I’m accusing of being apathetic towards issues on campus, so get ready for an article filled with hypocrisy, ladies and gentleman.

If you’ve read my articles, and if you agree with any of the points I’ve made (which obviously, with my incredible mastery of rhetoric, you do), then you know that there are more than just a few issues with Concordia: from the lie of the Happy Cobber to the horrendous sidewalks, we have our problems. In fact, there are approximately the same number of issues as there are weeks in the school year. So, there’s plenty to talk about with our class representatives and president/vice president. Why do we, myself included, opt to ignore these issues? Or, at best, whine about them with our friends in DS? There are resources like SGA and the Faculty Senate for us as students to express our distaste, but we choose to keep our concerns from the people who can actually make a difference.

SGA is a fairly visible organization on campus, but, if I’m being completely honest, they aren’t always very accessible or inviting. I’m not sure if the idea of going to SGA with my concerns ever crossed my mind before the elections this year. I’m not entirely sure what they even do for Concordia. We see plenty of them during elections, but after that, I hear about SGA maybe a few times during the year. I know they have the ability to make a difference in our community – probably more so than most Cobbers – but I can’t say that I’ve seen many of these differences made evident. Cobbers’ failure to share their issues with our school with people of authority isn’t entirely our fault. The people we should go to with our issues aren’t as easy to talk to as they should be. As far as SGA members go, I could probably name two, and I don’t think I’m alone in this.

I challenge Concordia students to take the things they complain about with their friends, maybe adjust the language slightly, and bring them up to the people whose job it is address our concerns with the college. And remember, you can even write into The Concordian!

And with that, I leave your corn buttered.

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