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Cobbers stay active with apps


People often think of technology in terms of entertainment or social media. But have you ever wondered how technology could improve your health?

Three Concordia students on campus use three different phone apps to enhance their workouts.

These apps include Yoga Studio, Nike+ Running and MyFitnessPal.

Delaney McKay uses Yoga Studio on a weekly basis.

This app has premade yoga classes ranging from 15 to 60 minutes long.

The classes range from beginner to advanced and show a picture, description and the benefits of each pose.

McKay uses the app mainly to find new poses to add to her normal routine.

“I find (yoga) to be very calming and rejuvenating … I think it releases a lot of my stress,” McKay said.

Although the app costs $2.99, McKay recommends it to everyone. She especially recommends it for those who suffer from headaches.

It has a five out of five star rating in the App Store.

She pointed out that the app is a good deal. The average yoga class at a fitness club costs $10 per lesson.

The app has many different classes and allows you to practice in the comfort of your own room.

Ellen Halvorson uses the free Nike+ Running app. This app is designed for runners and walkers and has a four star rating in the App Store.

“It has a bunch of cool (components); it’s more than just telling me how far I ran,” Halvorson said.

It records your total distance, calories burned and average speed, while also comparing your current workout to previous ones.

The app incorporates audio as well. It has the capability to play music, notify you at mile markers and voice encouraging phrases.

Halvorson’s favorite part of the app is the tracking feature. It connects to the GPS on your mobile device to create a map of the course you ran.

Another great feature is that the screen tilts to accommodate the angle runners have to look in order to see a mobile device on their armband.

Liz Knisley uses the app MyFitnessPal to track her food intake and daily exercise.

This app is also free and has a five star rating in the App Store.

This app is based on personal health habits and goals. By taking into account your height, weight and age, MyFitnessPal can help you set fitness goals that are healthy and attainable.

Knisley said that it is easy to use and benefits her health.

“It really makes you aware of the food you eat and how much exercise you are getting,” Knisley said.

This app has helped Knisley balance eating and exercising in order to live a healthy lifestyle.

These students are happy with their chosen health apps, but these are only a few of the many fitness apps available.

Whatever your fitness style is, there are many apps to help improve your health.

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