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French horns will not carol this year

Students in the dorms will not hear the fanfare of caroling Christmas horns preparing them to march into finals this year.

The regular tradition of Concordia’s horn players going Christmas caroling will take this year off, according to horn instructor Karin Wakefield, who usually leads the horns.

“Horn caroling isn’t happening this year due to the change in schedule for concerts,” Wakefield said via email. “Hopefully the tradition will continue next year.”

The annual horn caroling usually takes place the weekend before finals. However, with the Concordia Christmas concerts being pushed back in the Moorhead area, horn students who are also in choir are unusually busy during the weekend before finals. A very busy choir schedule may be causing the horns to be unable to play carols around campus.

The annual horn caroling tradition usually involves Concordia students who play the French horn. In past years, the students have attended Wakefield’s house for supper, ornament-making and section bonding, according to senior Kayla Nesler. She said the horns then go to various places on campus to play Christmas carols. Nesler said the tradition has been going on since before Wakefield became the horn instructor.

Usually 12 or more horn players go caroling, according to Nesler. She said that this year, however, at least six players are also involved in the Christmas concerts. As the horns usually play on the weekend, caroling would conflict with the concerts.

The horn players all seem to have different reactions to this year’s modified plans. Many hope to find some way to celebrate despite the scheduling conflict.

Sophomore Jenna Otto hoped to carol this year because she enjoyed playing last year. “It was really fun and was really cute,” she said.

Sophomore Marit Johnson agreed: “We do it for fun. We love Christmas and are trying to share some Christmas.” She said that many players are sad to not be continuing the tradition.

Some players hope to do something anyway. Johnson and Otto said things are still up in the air, but some players are advocating to play at another location or to make a video. They said it all depends on scheduling and putting things together.

The horn players have confirmed, however, that they will not be playing in the dorms during finals week out of respect for dormitory quiet hours.

Whatever their plans end up being, the horns hope to get together during the Christmas season. Nesler said she enjoys bringing Christmas spirit to campus, but the most important part for her is being able to celebrate with the other horn players.

“The group that does it remembers being together,” she said.


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