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Impeachment hearings bring questions

Students across campus have many different opinions when it comes to impeachment. Some are for it, some are against it, and some aren’t really sure what impeachment even means.  But many students agree that there should be some sort of formal charge against the president. 

On July 25, 2019, President Trump had a, now infamous, phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. While congratulating Zelensky on his electoral victory, he also asked him for a “favor”. President Trump wanted Ukraine to open an investigation against presidential candidate Joe Biden’s son, Hunter and the work that he did while sitting on the board of Ukrainian natural gas company, Burisma. If Ukraine didn’t, President Trump would withhold military aid to the country as they continue to fight against Russia and Syria. 

Senior Gabrielle Lommel views these impeachment proceedings as necessary. 

“I think it’s important that we are going through the impeachment process in order to protect our country from another situation like this in the future,” Lommel said. “It will set the standard for our future presidents in regard to national security, which Trump has undermined for his own advantage in trying to get Ukraine to investigate Biden.” 

  The Trump administration continues to state that the call made on July 25 was simply congratulatory, but as more witness are called to testify in front of Congress, the more corroborated the story is becoming. After European Union Ambassador Gordon Sondland testified before Congress, many saw that the phone call implicated the President, Vice President, and Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani. 

Junior Al Fossel believes that Trump should be impeached. 

“I think all of the impeachment proceedings will be worth it. One thing Trump is really good at is drawing attention to himself, and now he’s in the direct light with no way out, and for every case that’s being brought up is justified to discuss in court for his impeachment,” Fossel said. 

As these impeachment proceedings unfold, the nation is divided. A recent Gallup poll showed that 52% of Americans would support the impeachment of our 45th President. But many find themselves wondering if impeachment is even worth the trouble, since it is likely that he will only be impeached in the House of Representatives. While no U.S President has ever been removed from office due to impeachment, President Bill Clinton and President Andrew Johnson have faced impeachment while in office. President Nixon also would have faced impeachment, but he resigned before the House could formally bring charges against him. 

Senior Scarlett Sutton is intrigued by the divide these proceedings have caused. 

“The most stunning part of the impeachment process for me is the evidence of extreme polarization in U.S. politics,” Sutton said. “Two people can look at the same piece of evidence and come away with different interpretations.” 

While Sutton isn’t completely sold on the idea of impeachment, she does believe that people should be held accountable for their actions.

The House will continue to call witnesses and legal experts to testify before the House Judiciary Committee starting Wednesday, December 4. The White House was invited to participate in this round of hearings, but has turned down these offers. According to Politico, White House Counsel Pat Cipollone stated the decision in a letter to Chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y), saying that “an invitation to an academic discussion with law professors does not begin to provide the President with any semblance of a fair process.”

It is not clear yet if the White House will participate in any other impeachment hearings, Chairman Nadler has given White House Counsel until the end of the business day Friday to make their decision. 

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