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Letter: Making the most of Valentine’s Day

Well, it’s that time of year again. The time when everyone finds out who is single and who is taken. Yes, to all you little lovebirds out there, the holiday of love has officially arrived. But, no matter what your relationship status is, you should not refrain from making this Valentine’s Day one to remember.

Valentine’s Day plans are currently buzzing. Whether your plans include having dinner with that special someone, strolling the streets of Fargo hand in hand, staying in and watching movies or taking in a local play, this year’s night of love is one that you will want to make the most of. However, what about all of the singles out there? What’s in it for us? Who is going to buy us candy, roses, chocolate or that pair of earrings we are craving? As those thoughts go through your head, they should not discourage you from having a little fun this holiday.

Being one of the many single individuals out there, I know the feeling of not having someone to share the day with. But, then again I do, and so do you. Look around, do you see them? Yes, I mean your fellow single friends; they are all thinking the same thing, so why not celebrate together? Since Valentine’s Day falls on a Friday this year, you don’t have any excuses not to get together with some of your friends. If you have not seen a movie in a while, this Valentine’s Day two new movies are coming out including Endless Love and Winter’s Tale. Although these movies are romance flicks, you know you’ll end up watching them, so why not watch them with a group of friends?

If you do not want to go to the movies, then go grab a coffee at Moxi Java or Starbucks, which are both open until 10 p.m. on Fridays. Instead of just taking the coffee back to your room, bring some games with you and have a game night while sipping your favorite warm beverage. If coffee is not you beverage of choice, Tea Berry is open till 12 a.m. on Fridays and would be another great spot to hang out with some great friends. If your friends and you decide to stay in, there are lots of things to do: Watch movies, hang out in the Maize or go see some of our fellow cobbers perform in this years production of “The Long Christmas Ride Home” at 8 p.m.

Although I will never know if you ended up going out this Valentine’s day, I hope that instead of looking at the negatives of being single you realize that you’re not the only one out there. I am about 100 percent sure that you have another friend that is single or even more than one. Yes, you may not have gotten flowers or chocolate but seriously, you’ll end up eating the chocolate, and the flowers will die, but the memories you make with your friends will last forever. Being single is sometimes rough, but you are at the best part of your life right now. You are young, beautiful or handsome, what have you, and you have the power of making the most of your evening. So, don’t sit on your couch; go out there, and have fun with you fellow single Cobbers.

One Comment

  1. Richard smeeth Richard smeeth February 5, 2014

    What a great piece! You maybe single& available but you will always be loved…especially by me!

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