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Religious clubs not officially recognized

While there are 115 different clubs and organizations at Concordia, there are also groups on campus that are not considered official clubs.

Recently, there has been a push for a secular club that has not been approved, but there there are also other  groups on campus with large memberships that have yet to gain approval.

Campus Crusade for Christ, or Cru, is one such group.

Cru is a Christian organization that has been present at Concordia for five years and applied to become a club in 2008, but was denied. The group started out at University of California, Los Angeles, and has spread across the nation.

“Anyone is welcome to come. It doesn’t matter what your religious background is or anything. We welcome anyone who is interested or curious,” Cru leader Krista DiLorenzo said.

The group emphasizes outreach and the belief that Jesus is the only way, according to DiLorenzo.

“Our biggest thing is getting people plugged in and sharing Christ’s love with this community,” she said.

Another religious group on campus, The Remedy, has not sought club approval.

The Remedy is a gospel-centered organization that is focused on students and their relationship with God.

“Our leadership team desires for our community to pursue intimacy with God and let that intimacy inspire activity,” Remedy leader Hope Brown said.

The Remedy takes place at 9 p.m. on Mondays, averaging around 160 students in attendance. It offers a worship service and includes a message and prayer time. The group is also involved with service projects, such as sponsoring two children from Mexico, and Operation Christmas Child, where students fill a box full of gender- and age-appropriate toys. The boxes are given to churches and local businesses to ship around the world to children in need.

According to Brown, the duties of the leadership team are discussing what is being done, what is coming up in worship, teaching, and outreach in the community.

One of the differences between the Remedy and Cru is that Cru is nationally known and is affiliated with the organization outside of Concordia.

The requirements to be recognized as an official club include, according to Director of Student Leadership and Service Chelle Lyons Hanson, various things. For example, there must be four active students, the club must have a mission, there must be a unique aspect to the club, and the club must be consistent with Concordia’s mission.

“In a very practical and concrete way, it comes down to the use of the college name and use of facilities. They have the opportunity to apply for funding through student government and the student activity fee,” Hanson said.

All campus organizations have the opportunity for funding. The Office of Student Affairs is also a resource for student organizations.

Once a group applies to become an official organization, the Office of Student Affairs staff assesses the application. Then, the Student Involvement Council will look at how the group is going to impact the students, if at all. They have the final say.

According to DiLorenzo, Cru has thought about re-applying. The Remedy, however, does not plan to apply.

“The Remedy does not meet the requirements of an organization, and doesn’t feel it is a real need to reach the community,” Brown said. “Not one of the leaders has felt specifically called to do that.”


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