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The sole sorority: Lambda Delta Sigma 

MOORHEAD — Concordia’s sole Greek life organization — the sorority Lambda Delta Sigma, LDS — gained 8 new members following its initiation ceremony. This followed what’s known as “rush week”, where interested potential members must accomplish various wacky activities in order to be sworn in.  

This is par for the course for most organizations at other schools. However, the 26-member LDS is a little different than most sororities.  

LDS is unaffiliated with the National Panhellenic Conference, meaning it has a bit of freedom to do what it wants.  

“We’re the only chapter of (LDS) ever,” LDS president and senior, Emma Kepler, said. “So we get to kind of self-govern.”  

It also does not have its own house, unlike most Greek organizations nationwide. However, there are a few similarities between LDS and other national organizations. Most sororities tend to have a philanthropic side to them, typically partnering with a charity or group to fundraise. This is also the case with LDS.  

“Our primary (charity) is the YWCA women’s and children’s emergency shelter in Fargo,” Kepler said.  

To fundraise, LDS puts on various campus events including the annual Mx. Concordia pageant for male and non-binary students. This is an event that both Kepler and junior LDS member Desarae Kohrs listed as one of their favorite LDS memories.  

The pagent and similar events are a way for members and non-members to come together, “It’s so fun to have the events that get the entire campus involved,” Kohrs said. 

Dating back to 1919, LDS was one of a few similar organizations at Concordia. Sometime in the mid-2010s the last competitor dispersed, rendering LDS as the final one standing, Kepler said.  

“I guess we just haven’t been a Greek life kind of college for some reason,” LDS advisor, Amy Watkin said. 

Membership has fluctuated throughout its lifespan, with the new member count evening out post-COVID. The sorority swore in 8 new freshmen during this years initiation ceremony, which Kepler feels is “about normal” in terms of a new class.  

“In my time here, the highest pledge class we had was 16,” Kepler said. But once you’re in, there’s a lot of opportunities to create a campus-wide friend group.  

“It’s a really great way to meet new people,” Kohrs said. Being in LDS, she’s met a ton of people she wouldn’t have met otherwise: “We had never crossed paths before, but now we’ve gotten the opportunity to come together and create those bonds. 

As for sorority’s future goals, number one on the agenda is to push for more diversity. “I hope that, in terms of visuals, the membership of LDS will continue to diversify,” Watkin said. “I know the members are eager for that as well.”  

Both Kepler and Kohrs are looking forward to breaking the “stigma” around sororities. “We’re continuing to adapt our constitution to make it accepting to everyone,” Kepler said. “We don’t want to get stuck in this sorority girl rut a lot of people think we’re in.”  

Kohrs agrees: “I hope it doesn’t turn into the classic sorority types. I hope it continues to be this accepting and welcoming space where everybody can be alright.” 

“We’re focusing on creating a group of humans who genuinely just want to come together and do things for our campus. For our community. And for each other,” Kepler said.  

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