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Vieweg starts his days early

Photo submitted. Bruce Vieweg, chief information officer and associate provost, smiles next to his office wall covered in programs from the music events he attended in 2011. Vieweg sends personalized messages to performers to praise them for their art.

It’s 3:30 a.m. and Bruce Vieweg is intruding into your day.

Judging by your C-port email inbox, this may look like an infrequent occurrence, but Vieweg voluntarily starts his day, everyday, at 3:30 a.m.

“I like those early hours,” he said.

Vieweg is chief information officer and associate provost at Concordia College. He is primarily responsible for all campus computing as well as institutional research and assessment.

From December 2010 until June 2012 he additionally took on the position of interim dean of students. Vieweg enjoyed the opportunity to work more closely with students and the student affairs office. He admitted that it was tough holding two full-time positions, but was glad for the chance to do it and would take it on again.

“It was an incredibly positive experience,” Vieweg said.

Vieweg holds his current position in high regard as well. He repeatedly highlighted his appreciation for the cross-campus connections it gives him. He mentioned that much of campus requires computing and automation, and Vieweg is resultantly put in the position to provide support to disciplines all over campus.

“It is quite remarkable in its breadth, and I love that, I really love that,” he said.

Vieweg also enjoys the opportunity it gives him to work with students.

“They are really absolutely remarkable. We could not deliver the quality of service we do without them. Pure and simple,” he said.

The feeling of admiration is mutual. Corbin Rapp, ITS student manager says Vieweg is a great person to work with. He noted the care Vieweg has for the campus and its students.

“I cannot state how much I admire Bruce for what he does,” Rapp said.

Vieweg came to Concordia six years ago from Emporia State University in Kansas as their chief information officer. He originally had no intention of seeking employment at Concordia, and initially came here to do some consulting work.

However, one visit was enough.

After two days at Concordia, Vieweg said he came to three conclusions: he loved the mission, he fell in immediate like with President Pamela Jolicoeur, and he felt that, if he became a part of the Concordia community, he could make a difference. This last point he said, was essential.

Lucky for Vieweg, Concordia was in need a of a new CIO. He was hired in October 2006.

Unfortunately some family health issues came up, and for a time Vieweg thought he would have to give up his opportunity to join Concordia. That is until he received an email from Jolicoeur that said simply: “We’ll wait.” Things eventually resolved, and Vieweg started at Concordia on April 1, 2007.

Since he has come here, Vieweg has developed his own extracurricular interests.

“I’m…a cheerleader for music and theatre and art,” he said.

Vieweg majored in music in college. Though he is now in the computer business, he stays involved with music by attending nearly every concert and recital on campus.

“There is no one that comes to more music events than Bruce Vieweg,” said Dr. Bob Chabora, professor of music and department chair.

Chabora said that the department is very appreciative of Vieweg’s support, noting that he is supportive of both faculty and students. Chabora also said Vieweg sends the performers handwritten notes of congratulations.

Vieweg’s dedication to music at Concordia is visually manifested by the wall of event programs that develops in his office throughout the school year. Displayed off to the right of Vieweg’s desk are the countless, colorful programs that he has already collected this year.

Vieweg’s favorite part of attending events is seeing people he knows perform in them. The thing he notices most when he attends the symphony or music and theatre events at Concordia are the people that he recognizes.

“It’s all about knowing the individuals who are doing the thing,” he said.

He believes this sense of connection he experiences speaks to Concordia as an institution. It is for this reason that you can find Bruce Vieweg on Facebook. He sees Facebook as a wonderful and fun way of connecting with people, and as a result is friends with around 500 students and alumni.

“I am a very active Facebooker…and I get so much satisfaction and learning about what’s going on [from it],” Vieweg said.

Vieweg loves his work at Concordia and has no plans of leaving anytime soon.

“I’m at a place where I could retire anytime, but why? Why would I want to retire?” he asked.

“I just really love you all.”

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