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Posts published by “Meagan McDougall”

Position at the Concordian: PULSE writer; Year in School: Sophomore; Hometown: West Fargo, North Dakota; Favorite Newspaper: The Washington Times; Favorite Magazine: Vanity Fair; Favorite Writer: Jodi Picoult

Cobbers react to SOPA

“SOPA…the Spanish word for soup” read sophomore Paula Haeder’s Facebook status Jan. 18. Before this date, this is all the word “SOPA” meant to most…

Eco-house approved

After more than a year of student efforts, Concordia College’s own eco-house is set to open next fall as a way to enable students to…

Inauguration announced

President William Craft’s inauguration has been scheduled for Saturday, April 28, 2012, as part of the Concordia’s Founders Day celebration one week before graduation. “Inaugurations…

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