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Desk Workers Unite!

I want all of you out there to know about me, and this week I want to talk about being a desk worker in the happiest place on earth, Livedalen. I love my job as a desk worker and could not ask for anything more than being able to do homework while getting to talk to people, which is a favorite hobby of mine. Working the desk, I get to see some class acts, and I would absolutely love to introduce you to my faves.

Starting with the super awesome, anti-social individual: These are the people that walk by, and, no matter how hard I try to say hi and welcome them to the building, they give me an angsty look. I secretly love them, and the first time they ignore me feels like a challenge. Want to know what I say to that? CHALLENGE ACCEPTED. I will find out your name and any information I can in order to get you to turn around and notice me. Seriously. Try it.

My next favorite people are the overly social individuals, like me, who sit at the desk providing endless hours of entertainment at 4 a.m. when I need it.

Another individual happens to be the overly space-invasive person. This person is recognized by my look of disdain toward them leaning way too far over my desk. Way, way, way, too far over my desk.

Last but not least, the food bringer. The individual who buys me pizza, sandwiches and Coke. I love them way more than they should know and much more than I am comfortable to admit. Don’t worry though, I’ll work up the courage. So anytime I’m working the Livedalen desk, by all means, challenge me, bring me food, entertain me or take up my space. It is all welcomed.

The reason these people are embraced with ridiculously open arms is: why not? Why not learn about a person having a rough night and offer to help them at 3 o’clock in the morning? Why not learn about someone’s classes, views or perspectives? I love learning new things, and practicing new things like knitting, which I practice at the desk, or paper crane making, which I learned at the desk.

Not so as to exclude myself, I also am a desk creature of sorts. I love hanging out with my little Livedalen tag team of desk fabulosity. We have an interesting connection to the building and the people in it that I am sure none of us want to change. By this time in the year, I love to see the residents recognize me and say hi, which is easily my all-time favorite part of being a desk worker.

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