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Homecoming proves the social atmosphere of campus is renewed

The masks are mostly off. The desks are arranged back in discussion circles. And classes are ever more engaging. The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic are slowly starting to fade from academic life. But what about social life? Are students able to socialize freely now without feeling guilty? 

I am of the belief that the campus social life is back after a two-year hiatus. What is my evidence you might ask? This year’s Concordia College Homecoming! 

The stadium was packed. We could barely find space in the stands. Students have always had an interest in the game (whether it actually be for football or not), but now spectators from the area are back to enjoying the festivities too. Anyone who drove down 8th street that Saturday could see how much students were enjoying themselves, there was the largest house-party gathering I had ever seen. 

As a student who entered college in 2020, this is awesome for me. I am so excited that things are getting back to normal again (what is normal? Is that even a thing?) and student life has revived from two years of not existing. The past two years the college has been pretty conservative with its on-campus gatherings. They have to appeal to everyone, those in favor of restrictions and those opposed.  

Don’t get me wrong, students still found ways outside of the classroom to socialize, off campus even. But it was a different experience. One that was tainted by the fear of getting sick. Not that college students would have to be fearful of catching the virus, we were more afraid of the added isolation. In addition to that, falling behind in classes.  

This year many more students feel comfortable participating in social events and attending large gatherings. In addition to that, more students are wanting to participate in off campus gatherings like we saw during homecoming on 8th street.  

All this being said I am personally looking forward to what the rest of this year has to hold. School can be incredibly stressful. Students need the relief that comes from being around others in a relaxed setting. The pandemic robbed us of this for two years, but we are finally able to enjoy this again. I for one am incredibly thankful.  

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