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Homecoming reflections

A different message on how to approach homecoming week

ColinOpinionYear One: Scarf Boy was, no surprise, absolutely jazzed about everything related to homecoming. He cheered for Erik George to win Homecoming King because he thought Erik was the president of the Straight Gay Alliance. Oops. He cheered super loud for White Horse at Frosh Frolics and lost his voice at the bonfire. Scarf Boy got super dressed up for the Harvest Ball, danced awkwardly but then went home for Saturday and Sunday for a family wedding.

Year Two: The sophomore formerly known as Scarf Boy was comparably jazzed about homecoming but was much too cool to geek out about it like a freshman. Totally lame! He cheered for his orientation leader, Skyler Vilt, as he won Homecoming King and felt obligated to whisper things like “Yeah … he was my OL” for a little bit too long. Oops. He cheered super loud for his friend Emily Carlson as she hosted Frosh Frolics, and he lost his voice at the bonfire. Scarf Boy was too cool to dress up for the Harvest Ball, sang in the Homecoming Concert and did not see much of Johnny Holmes. He did, however, actively participate in National Bandana Week immediately after.

Year Three: The junior formerly known as the sophomore formerly known as Scarf Boy was jazzed and stressed about homecoming because he was serving on the committee. He cheered for his Admissions Office boss, Stephanie Barnhart, and his former floormate Joel Leeman as they were crowned Queen and King. His phone rang during Coronation. Oops. He hosted Frosh Frolics with the lovely and talented Sarah Johnson and with the amazing guidance of Shannon Burton. He, again, lost his voice at the bonfire. He went to the Homecoming Banquet and Harvest Ball, where he had an absolute blast. He sang at the Homecoming Concert and also had a blast at Johnny Holmes, which he remembers very well. He wore the maroon cardigan and soaked up the Cobber Pride.

Year Four: I am by far the most jazzed about homecoming I have ever been. I am honored and humbled by the Coronation experience but may have ripped part of my tux and not told anyone about it. Oops. I was excited to call out numbers at Homecoming Grocery Bingo and made just enough mistakes to make the hardcore bingo-ers resent me a little. I will be going to Homecoming Communion and getting my groove on with the Jazz Band. I will be attending Homecoming Chapel; cheering on Andrew Carlson, Bethany Tompkins, Mary Rappa and the various freshmen at the amazing Frosh Frolics; and inevitably losing my voice at the bonfire. I will be getting classy at the Harvest Ball before a Saturday full of parade, tailgating, the football game, singing in the Homecoming Concert and getting crazy at Johnny Holmes.

The capacity to which I have been involved in homecoming during my four years at Concordia is certainly varied. Regardless of the year, the attendance or the number of scarves worn, I have always allowed homecoming to be a manifestation of the “Cobber feeling.” This week becomes what you need it to be. Invest in it fully, and it will give back more than you ever thought you could take. The Cobber Spirit is palpable, and alumni will tell you not to waste this time. My message is a bit different; it is not about maximizing attendance or wearing as much maroon and gold as possible. This week is about identifying the ways in which Concordia can shape your life. In my four years, I can thank homecoming for continually doing what its name says – allowing me to come home.


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