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Posts published by “Kaia Miller”

Kaia Miller is a senior majoring in communication studies and multimedia journalism. She came to Concordia planning to major in vocal performance, but after a semester discovered her interests ran in a different direction. With a suggestion from her mom to try communication, she realized her passion for journalism and research. She has held internships at MPR and Prairie Public Radio and hopes to work for a newspaper or radio new station.
Kaia is a member of the Concordia Choir, The Concordian and KORD Radio.

Training to act

Director explores new training methods for actors in upcoming play Marching in single line across the stage with knees bent and arms held out, nine…

Coffee shop etiquette

Kaia MillerKaia Miller is a senior majoring in communication studies and multimedia journalism. She came to Concordia planning to major in vocal performance, but after…

Registration goes smoothly

Registering for spring semester classes last fall left many students and faculty members frustrated with the Banner system. This time around, Chief Information Officer Bruce…

Tweeting through tour

The hashtag #cctour13 bombarded twitter feeds for the past two weeks as the Concordia Choir toured the Midwest heading south to Texas. Manager for the…

Laura Pancruisin’

She calls it her “rad school search.” What most see as a stressful–and often expensive–graduate school search process, she has turned into a friendly competition.…

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