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Posts published in “Blogs”

Captain Phillips

Over fall break, my parents and I decided to celebrate their birthdays by going to see Captain Phillips the story of ship that gets invaded…

BBC News app

Students here today are said to live in the “Concordia Bubble.” The outer world is forgotten and the focus is on the next CEC activity…

HoDo Lounge

Last weekend I went exploring downtown Fargo.  I just turned 21 last month and I haven’t gone out much since, so the downtown bar scene…

North Dakota Carriage Company

The leaves are falling, people are talking about apple cider and pumpkins, and the weather cannot decide if it will be cool and beautiful or…

‘The Gold Cell’

Poetry isn’t something that everyone gets to experience on a daily basis, especially well-written poetry. For those who are looking for a good poetry anthology,…

The Peace Prize pickle

Today, the Nobel Peace Prize will be awarded by a five man committee in Oslo, Norway.  The award, though still one of the most prestigious…

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