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Posts published in “Blogs”

The Heist

“I will not be a statistic, just let me be No child left behind, that’s the American scheme I make my living off of words…


Bob Dylan’s music has led him to many different types of accomplishments and has left him with nothing left to prove, but he still has…

The Haunted Man

This week, songwriter Natasha Khan (better known by her stage name Bat for Lashes) released her first studio album since the critically acclaimed 2009 album…

Joe the Juggler

It began in 7th grade. After his laptop failed him, he found himself bored and decided to experiment with juggling by self-teaching himself. Beginning simply…

Mike Marth + ecce gallery

“I think of inspiration as a two-way channel. I think you have to start with an inspired mind and be positively charged and engaged in…

Music and Community: An Opportunity for Activism

The music community has always offered a unique setting for artists and listeners alike to find their own type of niche. Different music scenes throughout…


The energy in a rock concert is something that simply cannot be explained. It’s when you’re sitting in the nosebleeds, but you still feel like…

Everett’s Barbershop

This review is mostly for the male members of the Concordia community, although it does provide a short history lesson on barbershops based on research…

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