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Keep calm and work out

Concordia students enjoy a variety of physical activities to stay healthy

Luke Fitterer, shown, using one of the elliptical machines in Olson Forum.  Many students at Concordia like to use the Olson Forum facilities to de-stress and stay health throughout the school year. Photo by Morgan Schleif.
Luke Fitterer, shown, using one of the elliptical machines in Olson Forum. Many students at Concordia like to use the Olson Forum facilities to de-stress and stay health throughout the school year. Photo by Morgan Schleif.

As the end of the semester approaches, assignments have started piling up. Along with this, the amount of stress students are feeling has skyrocketed.

Several students at Concordia are committed to a fitness routine, but they make sure to set aside extra time during a semester’s chaotic ending to keep calm and healthy.

Junior Mikayla Borud has been going to the gym since the start of the semester. Borud goes to the gym not only to stay active but also to take some time for herself and watch one of her favorite TV shows.

“I normally go two or three times a week for about an hour,” Borud said. “I go at 4 p.m. because ‘Say Yes to the Dress’ is on TLC, and I enjoy watching it.”

Junior Molly Logeland goes to the gym about an hour a day, Monday through Friday. Before attending Concordia, Logeland did not go to the gym very often. However, it has now become part of her daily routine.

“I never really went before college, but (my friend) Shannon and I went together because we didn’t want to gain the freshman 15,” Logeland said. “So it’s become a habit.”

Senior Chris Rud has veered away from going to the gym in the evening because several students go from 7-9 p.m. To beat the rush, Rud goes to the gym at 10 a.m.  However, Rud has noticed that the number of students who come to the gym dwindles throughout the semester.

“It’s interesting to watch how it weans down as we go farther into the semester,” Rud said.

Olson Forum has a variety of workout equipment for students to use. Many students enjoy running or walking on the track, pedaling on the bikes or jogging on the treadmills. Borud enjoys using the elliptical.

“I don’t like running because of the impact it has on my knees,” Borud said. “I use the elliptical because of the full-body workout it offers me.”

Rud prefers the weight machines for a similar reason: they give him the chance to get that full-body workout.

“I do pull ups, dips (and use the) dumbbell,” Rud said. “I like to use my own body weight as the resistance.”

Logeland enjoys using the machines that enable him to focus on cardio.

“I do a half hour of cardio, then abs and alternate between arms and legs,” Logeland said. “I mostly use the treadmill, but if there are not any open, I will use the track or the elliptical.”

Despite what Olson Forum offers, some students use the Fargo YMCA instead of Olson.

Sophomore Bailey Johnson goes to the YMCA around 5:30-7 a.m. every day of the week.

“It works better with my schedule if I go at this time,” Johnson said. “If I leave it till the end of the day it doesn’t get done, and I feel better throughout the rest of my day.”

Johnson’s workout schedule is very cardio based.

Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays she does 20 minutes of cardio and takes an hour weight class called “Body Pump” offered by the YMCA.

Tuesdays and Thursdays Johnson does 30 minutes of core work and cycles another 45 minutes.

During the weekend she stays active by doing either a six-mile run or cycling.

Overall, Johnson feels the equipment offered in Olson is suitable for students’ needs. Johnson would be more likely to use Olson, however, if Concordia started offering new ways to stay active.

“If they offered exercising classes that weren’t for credit it would be nice,” Johnson said.

Rud veers away from using Olson’s weight room because of its lack of space. He feels doing some reconstruction of the current weight room would help solve the space problem.

“If we knocked down walls to expand the weight room and looked at putting another weight room in the new locker room it would be helpful,” Rud said.

Each of these fitness fanatics agreed that taking time to visit Olson Forum these last few weeks of school will not only help relieve stress, it may even have an effect on your overall health.

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