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The Concordian

Trans-inclusivity On Bi-gendered Campuses

Gender identity and how it affects a student’s inclusivity is not an issue many face while attending traditional colleges or universities. Many feel their gender…

This Ring Thing

This week, I had the good fortune to order my Cobber ring. For the next six to eight weeks due to shipping and handling, I…

Let’s Take A Break

Okay Cobbers, it’s Friday. What do you want to be doing? Homework? I thought so. I mean, what else would a Cobber want to do?…


It’s officially that time of year again: sunrise isn’t until after 7:00, and it’s just going to get later. It’s cold out. We’re only halfway…

Stereotypical Political Column

While watching The Today Show this past week after an especially intense early elliptical workout, I was shocked at one of their breaking stories. No,…

Buffet’s Tax Problem

This Letter to the Editors was submitted by Will Merickel, a Sophomore at Concordia College. Recently, President Obama has brought forth a $3 trillion deficit…

What’s Your Score?

This Letter to the Editors was submitted by Mary Kate Sershen, a Senior at Concordia College. “What’s in a credit score?” “Where does a credit…

The Customer Is Always Right… Sometimes

Conventional wisdom tells those of us that work in the service industry that the customer is always right. So what happens when your customer is…

Chris Berg Brings Political Radio to Concordia

Local radio personality Chris Berg was broadcasting live from the Atrium this morning. Berg is a conservative political talk show host from Fargo’s AM 1100…

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