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The Concordian

Clocks in the Classrooms

It is one minute until class ends; everyone’s notes are put away and yet the professor’s lecture continues. If you are like most students, your…

Cobbers Debate Politics on Local Radio Show

Local conservative political talk show host Chris Berg brought his program to Concordia when he broadcasted live from the Atrium last Thursday morning. Berg is…

Composer Shares Experience with Creativity

Last week, Libby Larsen, music composer and Grammy Award winner, visited Concordia to share her experience in creativity. Larsen spent her residency here, rehearsing her…

All of a Sudden… Facebook Matters

For years we’ve used Facebook to update our friends, families and “the hot chick we met at that one party” with anecdotes detailing the minutia…

TV Land

Friday night, eight o’clock and I’m waiting for a show to start up that I will watch again. Hi Cobbers, here I am, a TV…

Keeping The Door Shut

Facebook never ceases to amaze me. No, I’m not talking about its distraction abilities, or wonderful applications like FarmVille. I’m talking about its connection potential.…

Steve Jobs, Apple founder, dies at 56

Apple founder and former CEO, Steve Jobs, died tonight at age 56. Apple’s official statement: CUPERTINO, Calif.–(BUSINESS WIRE)– “We are deeply saddened to announce that…

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